Maine-Niles Association
of Special Recreation

Recreation programs and services for children, teens and adults with disabilities
Check out our latest program brochures by clicking here.
For updates on the latest COVID-19 guidelines, please see the News & Events section.
How to reach us
- By phone. Call 847-966-5522. Staff are available between 9:00am and 5:00pm, Monday through Friday.
- By email. For a directory of staff emails and phone extensions, click here.
Who We Are
Maine-Niles Association of Special Recreation (M-NASR) has been providing engaging and meaningful opportunities to individuals with disabilities since 1972. Today we serve over 1,300 children and adults in more than 600 programs, trips, and special events each year. Programming options include recreational or competitive sports, exercise, cultural arts, general recreation, bowling, swimming, and more! In addition, individuals with disabilities who choose to participate in their home park district may benefit from our inclusion services.
M-NASR offers programming and services to individuals with disabilities living within our seven member districts:
Des Plaines Park District – Golf-Maine Park District – Morton Grove Park District – Niles Park District – Park Ridge Park District –Skokie Park District – Village of Lincolnwood Parks & Recreation
The Maine-Niles Association of Special Recreation is dedicated to improving the quality of life and, through advocacy and awareness, promoting a successful leisure lifestyle for individuals with disabilities.
Face Mask Requirement Updates 6/20/2022
Face masks are not currently required in M-NASR programs or on our transportation services. However, as we continue to follow the CDC and IDPH guidelines and recommendations we reserve the right to incorporate additional precautions during our programs and transportation services if deemed necessary.
Staff are recommended, but not required, to wear face masks while providing personal care such as feeding, toileting or changing, or while assisting participants requiring hand over hand assistance or close proximity supervision.
Face masks will continue to be required for the following:
- For participants or staff per the CDC guidelines if individual had exposure to someone with COVID-19.
- At locations that require face masks.
Face Mask Requirement Updates (Indoor Programming and Activities) 5/27/2022
As of May 27, 2022, Cook County has been categorized as a “high” COVID-19 Community Level. The CDC recommends that individuals in high community level areas wear face masks in indoor public setting, regardless of vaccination status.
Effective Tuesday, May 31, 2022:
- Staff will be required to wear face masks during M-NASR programs held indoors.
- Participants are encouraged, but not required, to wear face masks while participating in M-NASR programs held indoors.
- Face masks continue to be required for all individuals on M-NASR provided transportation.
M-NASR continues to ask staff and participant cooperation in reporting exposure to COVID-19 or a positive COVID-19 diagnoses if currently participating in M-NASR programming.
Posted February 24, 2022: COVID-19 Update
Per the updated guidelines from the Cook County Department of Public Health and the Governor of Illinois, effective February 28, masks are no longer required in indoor settings. As a result, M-NASR is updating its requirements and procedures related to Covid-19. Requirements are subject to change per guidance from CCDPH, IDPH, CDC and M-NASR’s risk management agency.
If an individual is diagnosed with Covid-19, proof of clearance from a medical professional is required. If an individual is experiencing Covid symptoms, they should stay home and seek medical guidance. If an individual has had close contact to someone with Covid-19, please contact M-NASR before attending programs.
FACE MASKS – Face masks are not required in most situations in M-NASR programs. However, face masks are still required in the following situations:
- While riding M-NASR vehicles (note: physical distancing may not be available on vehicles)
- When programs are at locations that require face masks
- Per CDC guidance if individual had exposure to someone with Covid-19
- Staff are recommended, but not required, to wear face masks while providing personal care such as feeding, toileting or changing, or while assisting participants requiring hand over hand assistance or close proximity supervision
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS – M-NASR will continue to implement the following:
- Promoting physical distance when possible
- Limiting sharing of supplies and equipment when possible
- Providing hand sanitizer
- Additional cleaning and sanitizing of equipment and supplies