Internships at M-NASR
M-NASR offers a paid internship program designed to provide hands-on experience in special recreation. This internship is ideal for students who are interested in a more in-depth learning experience in community recreation.
Working with M-NASR staff, you will be part of the team upholding our mission of providing individuals with disabilities access to meaningful and life-enriching recreation and leisure opportunities. M-NASR’s program complies with NTCRC Internship Standards, fulfilling the academic internship requirement needed to apply for CTRS certification.
M-NASR’s team includes our Recreation Staff and Administrative Staff. We work cooperatively as a member of multi-disciplinary teams with the educational systems, social services agencies, clinical facilities and our Member Park Districts.
Internship objectives include:
All participants new to M-NASR receive an assessment to assist them in clarifying their leisure goals and to determine how M-NASR programs can help them meet those goals. Once observations and training are complete, the intern will have the opportunity to administer assessments, develop leisure goals and make recommendations for program involvement.
Program planning, development and implementation, documentation, evaluation:
The intern will:
- Plan, develop, implement and evaluate selected program offerings
- Be responsible for leading the activity throughout the season
- Be required to observe, assist and lead other assigned M-NASR programs
- Gain experience in the agency’s program planning, assessment, individual program planning, evaluation of individualized program plans and documentation
The intern will receive a panoramic view of the administrative procedures and policies of the agency. Time will be allocated to observe, ask questions and experience the organization and management of the day-to-day operations and services provided by M-NASR.
Special Meetings, Seminars and Workshops:
Opportunities to observe various Association, State and local recreation affiliated meetings will be provided. The intern will attend and work cooperatively with interdisciplinary teams, human service providers and educators. Professional development will be encouraged through in-services in the community and in-house.
Public Relations:
The intern will promote and publicize M-NASR activities (i.e. flyers, seasonal brochure, etc.). Outreach and participant advocacy opportunities through meeting attendance and program implementation will be provided.
Outreach and Advocacy:
The intern will network with personnel in community agencies the Association works with cooperatively (i.e. ITRS, PSC, various committees, etc.) and will network with advocates of M-NASR and its services through scheduled meetings/visits to other community agencies and facilities.
Student’s Wants and Needs:
There is flexibility to provide guidance and supervision in areas that may not be listed in the above objectives.
For more information about M-NASR’s internship opportunities, please contact